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Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering (EJChE) publishes communication articles, original research articles and review articles in :. Material Development Biochemical Process Exploration and Optimization Chemical Education Chemical Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Designing, Modeling, and Process Optimization Energy and Conversion Technology Thermodynamics Process System Engineering and products Membrane Technology Food Technology Bioprocess Technology Chemurgy Technology Waste Treatment Technology Separation and Purification Technology Natural Dyes Technology
Articles 5 Documents
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Pirolisis Sampah Plastik HDPE sebagai Alternatif Pengganti Kerosin dengan Menggunakan Katalis Zeolit Alam Joko Waluyo; Aji Putra Perkasa; Devaliandra Ramadhana
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Volume 3 No 1 July 2019
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v3i1.43101


Abstrak. Untuk mengurangi jumlah sampah plastik di Indonesia dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai metode salah satunya adalah dengan pirolisis. Metode pirolisis digunakan untuk mengubah sampah plastik menjadi fuel oil. Maka dari itu dilakukan uji coba penelitian pembuatan fuel oil dengan metode pirolisis dari plastik HDPE yang merupakan jenis plastik yang sering digunakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia Penelitian ini juga menggunakan batu zeolite alam sebagai katalis. Batu zeolite alam sebelumnya dipanaskan pada suhu 400oC selama 4 jam untuk menghilangkan uap air dan kotoran yang ada. Dari percobaan didapatkan 4 sampel dengan kondisi berbeda-beda yaitu sampel A menggunakan katalis dengan suhu pemanasn maksimal 400oC serta besarnya heating rate 2,5oC/menit, sampel B menggunakan katali dengan suhu pemanasan maksimal 350oC serta besarnya heating rate 3,9oC/menit, sampel C tidak menggunakan katalis dengan suhu pemanasannya maksimal 400oC serta besarnya heating rate 3,3oC/menit, sampel D tidak menggunakan katalis dengan suhu pemanasan maksimal 350oC serta besarnya heating rate 3,3oC/menit. Besarnya yield minyak yang dihasilkam adalah 41,25 %, 32,29%, 40,9%, dan 13,9 %. Untuk densitas adalah 0,762 gram/ml, 0,747 gram/ml, 0,769 gram/ml, dan 0,766 gram/ml dan untuk viskositas adalah 0,0071 poise, 0,0084 poise, 0,0104 poise, dan 0,0096 poise. Abstract. Pyrolysis is a method to reduce plastic waste and convert it into liquid fuel. The aim of this research is to study the effect of zeolite catalyst on the pyrolysis of HDPE plastics. Previously, natural zeolite was heated at 400°C for 4 hours to remove moisture and impurities. From the experiment, 4 samples were obtained with different conditions, namely Sample A was the result of pyrolysis with a catalyst at 400°C and a heating rate of 2.5°C/minute, Sample B was the result of pyrolysis with a catalyst at 350°C and a heating rate of 3.9°C/minute. Sample C was the result of pyrolysis without a catalyst at 400°C and the heating rate was 3.3°C/minute, Sample D was the result of pyrolysis without a catalyst at 350°C and the heating rate was 3.3C/minute. The resulting oil yields from sample A to D were 41.25%, 32.29%, 40.9%, and 13.9%, respectively. The density was 0.762 gram/ml, 0.747 gram/ml, 0.769 gram/ml, and 0.766 gram/ml and for viscosity was 0.0071 poise, 0.0084 poise, 0.0104 poise, and 0.0096 poise, respectively. The analysis results show that pyrolysis at 350°C with zeolite catalyst will produce gasoline, whereas without catalyst it will produce kerosene oil. Keywords: pyrolysis, fuel oil, HDPE, zeolite, catalyst
Pengaruh Laju Alir Umpan dan Arus Recycle Terhadap Proses Fermentasi Bioetanol Menggunakan Integrated Aerobic-Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (IAABR) Margono Margono; Muhammad Azis Rigit Manfaat; Afianto Suryo Hutomo; Aida Nur Ramadhani
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Volume 3 No 1 July 2019
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v3i1.43209


Abstrak. Bahan bakar berbasis minyak bumi merupakan sumber energi utama yang digunakan di dunia. Namun, ada masalah di masa depan dengan cadangan minyak bumi yang menurun. Oleh karena itu beralih ke sumber energi alternatif adalah suatu keharusan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh laju alir umpan dan laju alir daur ulang terhadap proses fermentasi bioetanol menggunakan baffled reactor aerob-anaerobik terintegrasi, khususnya terhadap produksi bioetanol dan konsumsi gula. Proses start up dijalankan dengan volume kerja medium 25 L selama 54 jam inkubasi. Aliran daur ulang bervariasi menjadi 5 L/jam dan 10 L/jam ketika feed rate 12,6 L/jam. Dalam percobaan lain, laju aliran umpan dijalankan pada 5 dan 12,6 L/jam ketika laju aliran daur ulang adalah 10 L/jam. Sampel kaldu diambil secara berkala untuk pengukuran konsentrasi bioetanol, populasi ragi dan sisa gula konsumsi. Percobaan menghasilkan konsentrasi bioetanol tertinggi sebesar 14% v/v pada limbah reaktor. Ini lebih tinggi dari proses tanpa daur ulang media proses. Namun demikian, tidak ada perbedaan pengaruh laju alir daur ulang 5 L/jam dan 10 L/jam terhadap produksi bioetanol. Abstract. Petroleum based fuel is the main energy source used in the world. However, there is a future problem with the declined petroleum reserves. Therefore changing to alternative energy resource is a must. This reserach was to investigate the effects of feed flowrate and recycle flow rate on bioethanol fermentation process using integrated aerobic-anaerobic baffled reactor, especially on bioethanol production and sugar consumption. Start up process was run with working volume of 25 L medium for 54 hours incubation. The recycle flow varried into 5 L/h and 10 L/h when the feed rate was 12.6 L/h. In other experiments, the feed flow rate  was run at 5 and 12.6 L/h when the recycle flow rate was 10 L/h. The broth samples were taken out periodically for measurements of bioethanol concentration, yeast population and residual sugar of consumptions. The experiments results in the highest bioethanol concentration of 14% v/v at the effluent of reactor. It is higher from the process without recyle of process medium. Nevertherless, no difference effect of the recycle flow rate of 5 L/h and 10 L/h on the bioethanol production. Keywords: Bioethanol, Baffled Reactor, Feed, Recycle
Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Sirih Sebagai Bahan Aktif Antibakteri Dalam Gel Hand Sanitizer Non-Alkohol Dhika Satriawan Fathoni; Ilham Fadhillah; Mujtahid Kaavessina
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Volume 3 No 1 July 2019
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v3i1.43215


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari efektivitas ekstrak daun sirih sebagai pengganti bahan aktif antibakteri pada hand sanitizer. Ekstrak daun sirih diperoleh dengan cara maserasi daun sirih selama 3x24 jam dalam larutan alkohol 70%. Kadar alkohol pada ekstrak daun sirih hasil maserasi diuapkan dalam vacuum evaporator (T = 60oC) hingga volume ekstrak yang tersisa sekitar 15%. Ekstrak ini digunakan sebagai bahan antibakteri aktif dalam pembuatan gel pembersih tangan. Bahan kimia dasar pembuatan gel seperti karbomer (zat pembentuk gel), propilen glikol (penstabil), gliserin, nipagin dan trietanolamina / TEA (zat alkali) dicampur dan diaduk dalam air suling (sekitar 85 ml) dengan komposisi 0,3 g, 4 ml, 3 ml, 0,02 g dan 0,2 ml, masing-masing. Volume ekstrak yang ditambahkan ke dalam gel divariasikan 8, 10, dan 12 ml. Terakhir, volume hand sanitizer ditambahkan aquades untuk mengatur volumenya 100 ml. Efektivitas dan kualitas hand sanitizer ini dianalisis senyawa aktifnya, keasaman gel (pH), organoleptik, daya hambat pertumbuhan bakteri, dan dispersi gel. Staphylococcus aureus dipilih sebagai bakteri yang diuji karena ditemukan di tangan. Kehadiran saponin, tanin, dan flavonoid terdeteksi secara kualitatif di dalam produk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak daun sirih 12 ml (sampel III) memiliki kinerja terbaik pada kisaran konsentrasi ekstrak yang diteliti (8-12 ml). Sampel III memiliki keasaman (pH) dan zona hambat masing-masing sekitar 5 dan 9,78 mm2. Area hambat ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hand sanitizer komersial yang memiliki luas 2,98 mm2. Namun, daya sebar hand sanitizer ini sedikit lebih rendah dibandingkan hand sanitizer komersial (sekitar 167% dan 180%). Uji organoleptik menggambarkan bahwa produk ini dapat diterima di masyarakat karena tidak mengiritasi dalam pemakaian. Produk ini lebih aman sebagai hand sanitizer dibandingkan produk sejenis yang menggunakan alkohol sebagai bahan aktifnya. Abstract. This research aims to study the effectiveness of betel leaf extract as a substitute for antibacterial active ingredients in hand sanitizer. Betel leaf extract is obtained by maceration of betel leaves for 3x24 hours in 70% alcohol solution. The alcohol content in the betel leaf extract from maceration was evaporated in the vacuum evaporator (T = 60oC) until the remaining extract volume was around 15%. This extract is used as an active antibacterial ingredient in making hand sanitizer gel. The basic chemicals of making gels such as carbomer (gelling agent), propylene glycol (stabilizer), glycerin, nipagin and triethanolamine / TEA (alkalizing agent) are mixed and stirred in distilled water (about 85 ml) with compositions of 0.3 g, 4 ml, 3 ml, 0.02 g and 0,2 ml, respectively. The volume of extract added in the gel was varied 8, 10, and 12 ml. Finally, the volume of hand sanitizer was added distilled water to adjust its volume 100 ml. The effectiveness and quality of this hand sanitizer were analyzed its active compounds, gel acidity (pH), organoleptic, the inhibitory ability of bacterial growth, and gel dispersion. Staphylococcus aureus was chosen as the bacteria tested because it found in the hands.  The presence of saponin, tannins, and flavonoids is detected qualitatively in the product. The results showed that adding 12 ml extract of betel leaf (sample III) has the best performance in the studied range of extract concentration (8-12 ml).  Sample III has the acidity (pH) and the inhibitory zone about 5 and 9.78 mm2, respectively. This inhibitory area is higher than that of the commercial hand sanitizer, which has an area of 2.98 mm2. However, the spreadability of this hand sanitizer is slightly lower than that of the commercial one (about 167% and 180%). Organoleptic tests depict that this product is acceptable in the community because it does not irritate in use. This product is safer as hand sanitizer than the similar products that use alcohol as an active ingredient.Keywords : betel leaf, antibacterial, hand sanitizer, Staphylococcus aureus
Glucomannan sponges: Effect of different amount of SLS and Sodium Hydroxide. Fadilah Fadilah; Shidiq Trianto; Tri Nova Prakoso
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Volume 3 No 1 July 2019
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v3i1.42757


Abstract.  An attempt to increase the economic value of porang flour was made by utilizing it for making of sponge. The sponge was made by direct foaming of glucomannan solution with the addition of SLS and NaOH. Dried sponge were obtained through freezing-thawing process followed by drying. The effect of amount of SLS and NaOH were investigated. It was found that increasing amount of SLS and NaOH made the cell size of the sponge smaller. While there was no tendency for swelling degree accordance to the various amount of SLS, the increasing amount of NaOH caused in increasing the swelling degree. Keywords: sponge, glucomannan, sodium laureth sulphate (SLS), sponge cell size, swelling degree.
Pretreatment Ethanol From Cellulosic Endah Retno Dyartanti; Margono Margono; Ike Puji Lestari; Muhamad Iqbal Putra; Ulfa Intan Pratiwi
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Volume 3 No 1 July 2019
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v3i1.43883


Abstract. Pre-treatment is an important tool for practical cellulose conversion processes and can be carried out in different ways such as mechanical pre-treatment, steam explosion, ammonia fiber explosion, supercritical CO2 treatment, alkali or acid pretreatment, ozone pre-treatment, physicochemical pretreatment, dilute-acid pretreatment and biological pre-treatment. Biomass pretreatment with hot water (HW) is the most investigated physicochemical method use the differences in the thermal stabilities of the major components of lignocellulosic materials. Acid pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass aims at increasing the sugar substrate digestibility, defined as the concentration of reducing sugars after the hydrolysis, by microorganisms. Acid hydrolysis is an attractive pretreatment method as the hemicellulose degradation runs with the efficiency of approximately 20-90%, depending on the process conditions. Dilute acid (DA) processes with continued research and development, no significant breakthroughs have been made to raise the glucose yields much higher than 65-70%. Acid pretreatment is much more effective than water and alkaline pretreatment in terms of cellulose accessibility increase compared with DA and HW pretreatment. Keywords: ethanol, cellulosic, pre-treatment

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